Genesis 6:11-22 Devotional


original Hebrew word for “corrupt” alludes to “going to ruin”

Why was the earth “going to ruin”?

• Full of violence….. malicious (a desire to cause harm) and wrong

• All the people “corrupted” their ways

v13: God calls Noah! Why? – there are many reasons…

• God made a promise to Adam and Eve and to people after Noah!

• God wants to tell people after Noah something.

• God is merciful!

Could Noah have said no? – Like all people, Noah had a free-will and had a choice to say no!

What if Noah said no? – Because God had a plan of love for ALL people, including people today and the future, god would have chosen someone else!

v13: In general, what was God going to do? – destroy everything living on earth!

Did God have a right to do what He said? Why or why not? – like a potter who creates has a right to destroy what that potter made from mud!

What does “end all people” and “destroy both them and earth” mean? – except for Noah and his family and creatures with him, every living thing on earth was killed!

v14-16: What’s significant about this? – in order to be saved, God gave specific instructions for Noah to follow!

v17: How can this verse be misunderstood? – Nothing and no one should survive God’s judgment? God kills and no love?

How can we understand it? – to understand God’s judgment, we have to understand the past and the future of what God did and will do! We always need to understand all Scriptures with Scriptures (interpret always in context)!

v18-21: What are the significant things from this passage?

God provides and protects Noah and his family and all the creatures God desired to save!

V22: Noah was obedient!

How does God see the world today? – The world today is corrupt like before the Flood and must be judged!

How does this story of the flood and Noah relate to today? – God desires (John 3:16) for all people to be saved from judgment and God has given us all the instructions needed to be saved even though we are all sinners like Noah and his family!