A man was walking along a railroad track on a very dark night when he came to a bridge.  He had gotten halfway across when he heard a train whistle up ahead.  He quickened his pace, but soon could see the light of the oncoming locomotive approaching.  

With nowhere else to turn, he got down and lowered himself over the side, hanging onto the trestle as the train thundered past above him.  However, after the train had passed, he found that he hadn’t the strength to pull himself back up.  He called out for help, but there was no answer.  He hung there all night, terrified that he might slip and fall into the yawning abyss below.  

As day broke, he looked down to see a drop of only six inches. 

We are like that man.  We look at our situation and it looks really bad.  If we could only see it from God’s perspective, it would be nothing at all. Jesus said that with faith we could move mountains.  But the reverse is also true.  Without faith, we tend to build our own mountains.