Devotional - Genesis 9:7-28 (also glance at Chapters 10-11)

What was the command to Noah and his family? – populate the earth (we exist today because of Noah and family)

Covenant – “berith” – a brand new word! What can we learn about this word in context? – a promise and commitment to do something

How is it initiated (v9)? – someone starts with a promise

What is it “in general” (v7-11)?

It is a promise by someone to another!

Is there a timeframe (also v16)? – it is forever!

And so, from this passage:

Who established the covenant? - God

To whom was the covenant established? – to all human beings

What was the covenant? – no more worldwide flood to destroy living creatures

God made a covenant but also gave a sign (a mark).

Is a rainbow just a physical phenomenon? – it is also a miraculous sign CREATED by God

Why did God give a sign? – the rainbow is a reminder of God’s eternal covenant

Why do you think Canaan was specifically mentioned in v18? – the line of the Hebrews (God’s chosen people)

Significance of v19? – after the flood, every person who ever lived and will live on earth are descendants of Noah