Several years ago, Redbook Magazine took a poll of students in Protestant seminaries. They found that 56% of the students in Protestant seminaries studying for the ministry rejected the idea of the virgin birth. The Survey Research Center of the University of California at Berkeley polled the denominations to get their view on the virgin birth, 69% of the American Baptists believed in the virgin birth, 66% of the Lutherans believed in the virgin birth, 57% of the United Presbyterians, 39% of the Episcopalians, 34% of the Methodists, and 21% of the Congregationalists believed in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.[1]

Robert Schuller, of Crystal Cathedral fame said, “I could not in print or in public deny the virgin birth of Christ, but when I have something I can't comprehend I just don't deal with it.” That is the heart of liberalism! Don’t deny the truth outright, but deny it by ignoring it and refusing to preach it.[2]

Dr. John MacArthur quotes Dr. Walvoord the former president of Dallas Theological Seminary who said, “The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ is the central fact of Christianity, upon it the whole superstructure of Christian theology depends.” Walvoord stresses the truth that the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is a foundational, non-negotiable doctrine of Christianity.[3]

To deny the virgin birth is to deny the Word of God. To deny the virgin birth is to deny the deity of Jesus Christ. To deny the virgin birth is to deny the Gospel. To deny the virgin birth is to be lost in sin and headed to Hell.

- Precept Austin