A pastor bought a female parrot that became quite a problem. The only thing the parrot could say was, "Come on baby, let's kiss! Come on baby, let's kiss!" She was quite carnal.

The pastor wanted a more spiritually-minded parrot, so he looked around for help.

After much frustration, the pastor found another couple in his church who also had a parrot. They had a male. And he didn't say anything at all but, "Brethren, let us pray. Brethren, let us pray." Over and over and over.

So, the pastor asked the couple if they could get their parrots together. They planned a meeting and when the big day finally arrived, the young couple came over to the pastor's house with their parrot. The two parrots immediately saw each other and, sure enough, the pastor's parrot blurted out, "Come on, baby, let's kiss! Come on baby, let's kiss!"

When the couple's parrot heard those words, he paused for a moment and then he blurted out, "GLORY TO GOD, MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!"

God answers every one of our prayers - yes, no, or wait. The Father is always listening. Whenever we pray, we, too, can say, "Glory to God! My prayers have been answered!"

- Dr. Larry Petton