List of sins that are the works of the flesh:

1. Sexual sins (19-21)

(1) Adultery

(2) Fornication

(3) Uncleanness

(4) Lasciviousness

(5) Drunken revellings (orgies)

2. Superstitious sins (20)

(1) Idolatry

(2) Witchcraft

3. Social sins (20-21)

(1) Hatred

(2) Emulations or jealousy

(3) Wrath

(4) Strife

(5) Seditions and heresies (divisions and cliques)

(6) Envyings

(7) Murder

The old nature must by daily crucified (v. 24). The believer is to identify with Christ (Romans 6) and let him live through him (Galatians 2:20) by daily filling him with the Holy Spirit for the power to produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).