Eve’s descent into depravity is an illustration of James 1:14-15: “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” This is the Bible’s description of sin’s slippery slope. Proverbs 27:20 says, “Never satisfied are the eyes of man.” Sin is never satisfied and always demands more and more.

The downward spiral into sin accelerated when Eve allowed herself to start slipping when she found the fruit to be…

• PHYSICALLY APPETIZING – “good for food.” This temptation looks like it will meet a legitimate physical need, whether that be food, sex, or comfort.

• EMOTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE – “delight to the eyes.” This enticement comes to us as delightful, not disgusting. Remember, Satan doesn’t tempt us with something ugly and atrocious; he always uses something attractive like having the newest, greatest, biggest, and prettiest.

• SPIRITUALLY APPEALING – “make one wise.” This appeals to the need for self-fulfillment and ambition.

Eve fell before she even ate the fruit. Likewise, our acts of disobedience against God begin in the mind and in the heart. Write this down: When you start fondling forbidden fruit, you’re already sliding down the slippery slope of sin. Don’t spend time thinking about how nice it would be, how good it would feel, or how much you deserve it.

- Brian Bill