A Church of Christ minister walked past a street corner stand that was full of kittens for sale by a little boy in his neighborhood. The sign over the kittens read, "Church of Christ kittens for sale, one week old.....$5.00 each".

The minister smiled and said, "My son, you are doing the work of the true church, the Church of Christ. I am very proud of you." Then he walked away.

A couple of weeks later, the minister saw the same boy out on the street corner trying to sell the same kittens, but this time the sign was different. It read: "BAPTIST KITTENS FOR SALE, three weeks old.....$20 each."

The minister was quite upset and said, "Son, I don't get it. A couple of weeks ago I walked by here and you had Church of Christ kittens for sale, one week old, $5.00 each and now you have BAPTIST KITTENS for sale, three weeks old, $20 each. What happened here?"

The little boy looked at the minister and said, "Well, preacher, now they've got their eyes open!"


- Dr. Larry Petton