On of the standard Christmas stories at my in-laws is the gift that my brother-in-law received one Christmas. All of the grandparents had driven in on Christmas day and they were gathered in the den unwrapping presents. At my family get-togethers we all dive right in an open our presents simultaneously. But at the Osteen house you open the gift one by one. On this particular occasion my brother-in-law, Grayson, was in early middle school. He was handed a gift from one set of grandparents. They watched with delight as he tore open the package and pulled out a brand new pair of Superman Underoos.

In case your too young to remember that far back, Underoos were under wear. They consisted of a tee-shirt and briefs brightly decorated like the costume of your favorite superhero. It’s potentially a great gift. But an adolescent on the verge of crossing over into manhood is probably not the best candidate for a pair of Superman Underoos.

For Grayson, the gift didn’t match the recipient. To make matters worse, they tried to persuade him to go try them on and model for the family. He tactfully put them off and was able to maintain his dignity.

It is evident that the Magi had grown in their understanding of God’s person and purpose, by the gifts they gave the Child. God was the gift of kings. The Magi understood that this toddler was Lord of lords and King of kings.

Joel Smith, Wellspring Church, The Magi: Serious Seekers http://www.sermoncentral.com/sermon.asp?SermonID=42036