A year or so ago the rage on TV was the reality shows. Survivor was the first one that made it it big. The selling point was that instead of actors, these were real, every-day people. The outcome was not scripted and no one knew who would come out the survivor at the end. Since then many other kinds of reality shows have been tried.

If you think about it though, there isn’t too much reality in reality shows, is there? Maybe they have ordinary people and no script, but how real is it to be confined on a desert island, helping, competing against, betraying the other people with you? And how can anyone really condense reality to one hour of flickering pictures and sounds interrupted with commercials? Even the reality of a real war can’t be properly conveyed over television, so how can TV claim to show reality with these artificial realities like Survivor?

Unlike TV and reality shows, God’s Word assures you and me of what is really real. God’s Word shows us the reality behind the flickering scenes of our daily life and the changeable appearance of our feelings.