One year, a tree on the campus of Green Acres Elementary School, near Santa Cruz, California, bore strange fruit–mostly sandwiches, but sometimes a cookie, a cupcake, an apple or an orange. It came into full bearing from a seed planted by teachers Sophie Farrar and Sandra Enz, who were appalled at the quantities of uneaten sandwiches discarded by the youngsters. They suggested wrapped sandwiches be placed under what children began to call the “free food tree” for students who had come without a lunch or who had lost or forgotten their lunches. The idea was quickly popular. Some students asked their mothers to pack an extra sandwich, so they would have one to put under the free food-tree.

God also has a free food-tree of sorts. It’s the same one mentioned in Psalm 1:3–the believer who readily shares his transformed character with those who are in spiritually hungry.