A company by the name of Hetronics, makes remote controls for heavy equipment, like cranes and tractors. This company has a room, called the ‘Thumper Room.’ Here, several of their remotes are put in a mechanical device that simulates the action of a human hand moving the arm of the remote. Attached to this machine is a counter that accurately measures the number of time the remote control arm moves, before it breaks. The sound of this machine sounds like a thump, thus they call it the ‘Thumper Room’. A remote control box is left in the thumper room until there is no more ‘thump’ left in it. That is to say, until it breaks! By testing their products in the Hetronics can tell their customers how long one of their remote control boxes can be expected to last. God has a ‘Thumper Room’. It’s called ‘LIFE! Here, His children are ‘thumped’ by the world; thumped by the devil; thumped by friends; thumped by family; thumped by their own flesh; thumped by everyone and everything. Like Hetronics, God is keeping count of every ‘thump’ that happens. However, unlike Hetronics, God doesn’t left one more ‘thump’ happen to you, than you are able to bear. And with every ‘thump’ He makes a way of escape, that you may be able to bear them.