There is the story of a young lady who was a bright student. Unfortunately, she did not have assurance. Her name was Marian. She was working her way through college by cleaning the dorm rooms of her fellow students. She was often annoyed by their in ability to say “thank you” or “please”. One day she got so disgusted and disillusioned that she was ready to quit. She went to see her professor Robert Coles. At the time she was full of “anxiety and anger”. She said, “I’ve been taking all of these philosophy courses and we talk about what’s true, what’s important, what’s good. Well, how do you teach people to be good?”

“The answer to that question, according to the Bible, is not education but conversion. No one can truly learn to be good, for only God is perfectly good. The light of true goodness dawns in the heart only when God shines there”.

SOURCE: Craig Brian Larson. Choice Contemporary Stories & Illustrations For Preachers, Teachers & Writers. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1998, p. 51; Paraphrased and quoted in "Have You Got Jesus?" by John Williams III on