From The Power of One Another by Bob Russell, pg. 20- Christians in Romania relate that during the government oppression they had endured for years, Bibles were very scarce. Christian would tear pages out of the Bible, pass them around, and hide them so that they could have them to read. Recently, their church in Romania began a building program and, while digging some footers, discovered a metal container that had been buried in 1937. It had dozens of little blue Bibles in it and a note that said, “We know that in the near future we will no longer be allowed to worship God freely. It is our prayer that you will find these Bibles at a time when our people most need the Word of God.” It’s been said that a man stands tall who plants a tree in whose shade he never intends to sit. Those Romanians in 1937 went to some expense and risk to help save the souls of a generation of total strangers.