I served a Church that had a wonderful young married couple. He was 30, she was 26 and they had two beautiful children. The oldest would come up and set with me while I was preaching. The husband worked for the State and had a good job that he enjoyed. She worked for a large nationwide company and made great money with plenty of job security. Both had a good benefit package that included early retirement if they chose to take it. The children were healthy and were really smart for their ages. They were faithful to God and good workers in church. Because of their thrift they owned, out right, a nice house and five acres of land, two cars and a new truck and 2 four wheelers that I know about. They paid cash for everything or paid it off in double or triple payments until it was paid for.

Their life is what many of us want. One weekend he went deer hunting. He got a sore throat and it lasted a long time. He went to the doctor after his wife made the appointment and she insisted he go. After tests and then some more tests and a couple of biopsy he was told that he had tongue cancer. No matter what they did it kept slowly spreading. They would operate and remove part of it and it still spread. It was only located in that specific area but it was gradually moving outward. Chemo, radiation and prayers from Godly Christian men and women didn’t even slow its steady pace down. He came to a point where he needed morphine to keep the pain at bay. His family life was just about over. He couldn’t be a husband or a father. He was irritable and hatful some times but it was because of what he couldn’t do and his constant pain.

It got really bad for him and his wife. Out of love for him she started praying that God would let the cancer spread throughout his body so he could die. Or that somehow he would catch pneumonia so he could die and be free and be with the Lord. His face was being eaten away slowly. He couldn’t hold water in his mouth without it running out of his cheeks. He could still get up and go to the bathroom where he could see himself in the mirror. Can you image how horrific and heart breaking that was for him. He looked like something from a scary mummy movie. His kids were afraid of him. His friends couldn’t bring them selves to come and visit. His mother cried all the time she was there and


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