D. Steven Clark Goad - There was a young lady in DeSoto, Texas who, as valedictorian of her high school graduating class, testified for Jesus Christ? At first the principal flat out said, No. Only a law suit changed that. Then she was asked to rewrite her speech and tone it down. She did not. The speech was given as she had originally planned. This clearly demonstrates that Christianity is under attack. She could have quoted Buddha, Confucius, or Shirley MacClaine, but not Jesus Christ! Others have free speech. Christian’s don’t! The media shout “Courage” when the abortionists, homosexuals, radical feminists, etc., “shove it in our faces.” But they whine when a Christian girl discusses her faith and priorities. The world is not listening to the church because the church is not talking. Should not someone rattle our cages? Everything we believe in is offensive. God is offensive. Jesus is offensive. Truth is offensive. Preaching is offensive. The Bible is offensive. We cannot settle for life-support Christianity. What has become of the Great Commission? Thank God for the girl in DeSoto, Texas!