I am a big country and western fan. And there is a song by John Michael McGomery called "Little Girl." I know this may sound harsh, but sadly enough it does happen. The song talks about the hard life of a poor little girl, a life that no little child should ever have to experience. Her mother and father both drink and do drugs. One night her daddy comes home drunk, kills her mother, this shoots himself in the head, right in front of this poor little girl. (Typical country western song, uh? But wait.

The little girl is adopted by a family who takes her to church for the very first time. As she is nervously sitting there in Sunday School, she notices a picture of a man on a cross. She says to her Sunday School teacher. "I know that man on the cross. I don’t know his name but I know he got off. He was there with me behind the couch holding me tight the night my mommy and daddy died."