Our witnessing hour had concluded and I was passing through the Rec-room, on my way back to my Barricks, and then I noticed him. It wasen’t hard to take notice, for his beer smeared cloth’s permiated the room.

As I was about to pass him by, the Holy

Spirit gave me a nudge--stop and speak to him. I did. I introduced myself and asked him If he had heard about the Good news of Jesus Christ, and would he mind talking for a few minutes about spiritual things? He said,yes he had heard about Jesus, but could care less. He was not interested in religion and told me to get lost. I asked if he minded me sharing how Jesus had changed my life, and he said no go ahead. I did so, and encouraged him to believe in Jesus. His reply took me back; I could care less about your Jesus, get lost and don’t come back! The next day,I heard that Base authorities found an Airman dead, sitting in a chair with a beer in his hand. When God says share your faith, do it. "behold, now is The day of Salvation" II Cor 6:2b