While working as a route salesman, the author experienced a pivotal oportunity to witness for Jesus.

While replenishing chips and candy in a vending machine,and also collecting the monies deposited in the machine located in an alcolol and drug rehab center--I was approached by a client. He was vociferously demanding, of me, a refund of alleged money (two dollars) that the "chine" took from him with no product in return. Upon questioning him about

the details of his loss; he very angrily bombarded me with some choice expletives. I rebuked him in the name of Jesus Christ. The director of the center approached us. He sent the client away and informed me that because we were in a state run facility, I could not rebuke in Jesus’ name. It would give the appearance that the facility subscribed to the tenants

of Christianity. I told him that, as a Christian, I had a right to invoke Jesus’ name. The director then infomed me that he was a deacon in a local church, and

also, a Christian. My actions may have been somewhat disorderly--but I was not a closet Christian. Some weeks later the snack machine was removed. Ostensibly, upper management has decided to use the services of another vending company.