Roberto Benigni is an Italian guy who won an "Oscar" in 1998 for best actor in the film "Life Is Beautiful."

I didn’t watch the Academy Awards that year, but I read that upon hearing his name called, Roberto Benigni leaped to his feet ... threw his arms in the air ... skipped across the tops of the seats ... bounded to the stage ... squeezed Sophia Loren so tightly that he nearly crushed her... and then rambled (in half-English, half-Italian) about "this being a moment of colossal joy," and wanting to "kiss everybody and die in this ocean of generosity."

This being the same man who once bear-hugged the Pope, kissing him over and over, while calling him "Babbo" ... or "Daddy." Leading the Pope to say: "You are very Italian."

Roberto Beningi would have fit right in on Palm Sunday. He’d have no problem throwing down his coat and waving a palm branch.

There was another guy who came up to get his Oscar that


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