Streaming After Dreaming! (08.01.05--Boldness Too!--Deuteronomy 33:27)

Do you consider yourself a cautious person? I don’t know about you but mom and dad always taught me to “look before you leap.” A cautious approach to things can keep you out of a lot of trouble in this life. Did you also know that it can also keep you out of a lot of good as well?

Throwing caution to the wind is not a good idea no matter how you are presently living your life. No one needs to live out their days, Houdini-like, dangling upside down with just seconds to spare before what was once dangerous has suddenly become perilous. God created you and I with caution in mind. A careful approach to what we say, what we do, and how we do it is completely in line with what the Bible teaches. Nevertheless, the Bible also teaches that “doing” is s natural extension of being. Being over-cautious, unable to do anything because we fear the consequences of action over inaction, is hardly God-like. A disciple is a disciple not only based upon what he knows but what he does. If Bible class or Sunday school doesn’t translate into a Monday application, there is no learning, only listening. A Christian must commit to action every day of his or her life. When we don’t, not only are we denying others our help, we are denying ourselves a unique opportunity to watch God in action. That’s something no Christian should want to miss.

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meeting and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” (Commonly attributed to Goethe.)

The time to begin is always now. How true that is. Every day of our lives is an opportunity to begin something, to put into action the dreams that we have dreamed and watch the stream of events unfold before us as God takes our beginning and brings it to His end. Too many Christians are always on the defensive, ready to extinguish the arrows of the devil but never ready to take the Sword of the Spirit and boldly advance against the foe. They’re afraid, perhaps cautious to a fault.

Is there a dream in your life that needs doing? Do it today. God will always be there to catch you if you fail. Remember, the Bible tells us that “God is our refuge and our strength.” It does not tell us that He is our hotel and our excuse.