I looked about some more and saw a huge maple tree. Magnificent, tall and strong it had many leaves like a flowing royal garment. It was lush and full of gorgeous green foliage so not a branch could be seen. It was in all its glory.

-Lisa DeLay, wrier and founder of wit4life.com

As I continued my gaze I noticed many of the middle branches of leaves were moving in various circular motions. It seemed fairly standard at first, but it went on and on never stopping. The tree’s mid-section was in continual movement. Round and round, undulating and moving for over five minutes with no ending in sight. What kind of a breeze does that? I thought.

A rainstorm is rolling in, I thought. The trees must be blowing from an undercurrent of storm weather breezes. I surveyed the surrounding trees and saw none moving the same strange way. They were blowing in a typical fashion. This first maple seemed to be having its own party. It seemed alive. Could scores of children be hiding in the tree and gyrating the branches? I thought. Then it dawned on me, the tree is dancing! The weather is wonderful right now. I really think it’s dancing in joy.

Shortly before a meeting last week I stopped my car and spent several needed minutes in solitude. A moment of quiet and calm is very rare when you are a mother. I stopped myself from thinking about the hectic day, looked out of my windows and viewed the beautiful early evening.

May is such a nice time of year, I thought. It is when the green on the trees and hills redeem all of the gloominess from the winter and the heat has not yet descended for the dog days of summer. What a lovely twilight.

I looked about some more and saw a huge maple tree. Magnificent, tall and strong it had many leaves like a flowing royal garment. It was lush and full of gorgeous green foliage so not a branch could be seen. It was in all its glory.

As I continued my gaze I noticed many of the middle branches of leaves were moving in various circular motions. It seemed fairly standard at first, but it went on and on never stopping. The tree’s mid-section was in continual movement. Round and round, undulating and moving for over five minutes with no ending in sight. What kind of a breeze does that? I thought.

A rainstorm is rolling in, I thought. The trees must be blowing from an undercurrent of storm weather breezes. I surveyed the surrounding trees and saw none moving the same strange way. They were blowing in a typical fashion. This first maple seemed to be having its own party. It seemed alive. Could scores of children be hiding in the tree and gyrating the branches? I thought. Then it dawned on me, the tree is dancing! The weather is wonderful right now. I really think it’s dancing in joy.

I was reminded of the verse in Isaiah 55:12

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace. The mountains and hills will burst forth into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

I did go out from my car in joy and peace. I do believe I saw this tree dance and clap its hands. What a sight! Maybe you can’t believe if you don’t see it for yourself, but I was actually inspired. If I hadn’t chosen that time for a moment of brief solitude I would have missed the beautiful dancing tree. So if trees can dance and clap their hands, surely I can find the joy to be grateful for each day of spring as well. All creation is full of God’s glory.

I hope you find the time to see the dancing tree in your life.