Follow the Emergency Lighting to the Exit

Our family flew to Texas for a speaking engagement last week. My young son listened attentively to the flight attendant’s safety demonstration. After looking at the safety card, the questions starting flying . . .

"Where are the emergency lights?"

"Dad, what color are the lights?"

"What powers the lights if the plane crashes?"

"Can we see the lights if we are upside down?"

"Where do the lights lead to?"

God always shares His escape plans with us ahead of time through prophets with the spiritual gift of prophecy. In these dark days of Earth’s closing chapter, Jesus shows us the way out!

Just follow the emergency lighting to the exit!

Why does God reveal His plans to me ahead of time? In Amos 3:7 God gives me the answer! It’s to prepare me for what’s next!

Praise God for the spiritual gift of prophecy that reminds us that we are not alone - Christ is with us!