*Just outside of Orlando last Sunday morning a Presbyterian minister died as he was preaching his sermon. Maybe you saw it in the paper. His name was Jack Arnold.

*And of course it was traumatic to the church...

-But the Associate Pastor later pointed out how wonderful it was that he died in his own church among the people he loved the most...

*And here’s what I really want you to hear...

-Before he collapsed, Bro. Jack quoted John Wesley:

-Until my work on this earth is done, I am immortal...

-But when my work for Christ is done. I go to be with Jesus

*Then, the last thing the preacher said was: -And when I go to heaven...

*Before he could finish that sentence... -He did go to heaven.

*Adapted from (AP) Jan 10, 10:43 PM (ET), 2005 OVIEDO, Fla. As reported on My Way News)