Active Christians who volunteer are the best donors. People really do put the treasure where their heart is, 90% of volunteers contribute to charity. The volunteer-donor is likely to be an active Christian. More than income, age, race, or education, faith predicts giving and volunteering. People, who attend religious services weekly, although they comprise only 38% of the American population, give 66% of all charitable contributions in the entire nation, according to the Independent Sector Gallup poll. Christianity Today reports "regular attenders contribute 3.4% of their household income, while those who attend only a few times a year average 1.4% and those who do not attend at all give 1.1%." This accounts for why well over half of all charitable giving in America goes to religious institutions and churches. Surprisingly, two-thirds of contributions to non-religious charities come from church members as well. (Source Christianity Today, 5/19/97)