American Beliefs Inconsistent: Most Americans are on a spiritual journey, but many seem to be without a map.

· 80% of Americans agree that an individual should arrive at his or her own religious beliefs independent of any church or synagogue.

· 1 in 3 Americans define spirituality without God or a higher authority.

· 84% of Americans believe that God performs miracles and 79% believe the miracles described in the Bible actually happened.

· Yet only 40% go to church regularly¾leaving 39% of the American population claiming they believe in the miracles of the Bible, but do not go to church.

· 43% of non-Christians and people of no religious faith have asked for God’s intervention at some time in their life.

· 67% of Americans say they have prayed for a miracle and 77% believe God or the saints heal sick people given no medical chance of survival.

· 63% say they know someone who claims to have experienced a miracle, and 48% believe they have personally experienced or witnessed one.

· Only 1 in 3 believe the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word. (PWB 5/5/00, Gallup and Newsweek polls, The Foster Network)