Church Wins Kids For Life: A new Barna Research study finds that 71% of Americans adults had a period of time during their childhood when they regularly attended a Christian church. 61% of those who attended church as a youngster attend regularly today, while a 78% of those who didn’t still don’t as adults. Church attendance is declining by generation. Among adults 55 and older who attended church regularly as a child, 68% still attend regularly. For adults under 35 it drops to 53%. More than 33% of adults over 35 who now attend a Christian church even though they did not do so as a youngster presently attend a Christian church, compared to only 16% of those under 35. 63% who were churched as children take their own children to church compared with just 33% of those weren’t churched as children. (Barna Research Online 11/5/01)