Who Is Leading People To Christ? Recent Barna research finds that among Christians who embraced Christ before their teen years, half were led to Christ by their parents, with another 20% by some other friend or relative. 7% accepted Jesus in response to a minister’s personal prompting and 12% cited a special event as the turning point in their journey. Among those who mentioned events, about 50% identified a church service while 1% mentioned media evangelism or other special situations. Among people who accepted Christ when they were age 13 through 21, the process was much more diverse; 20% credited a friend with, and a similar proportion said their parents were responsible. Another 20% recalled an event as the trigger for their commitment. 16% listed a relative other than their parent as the primary influencer. Ministers were cited by 10%, while media and special personal situations were listed by only 1%. 19% of adult converts credited a friend, 14% by mass media experiences, 14% a live event and 13% a relative. Ministers were responsible for leading 10% of adult converts to Christ while parents of adults led 8%. (Barna Online 10/11/04)
