Christmas Joy: A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll finds 96% of all U.S. adults celebrate Christmas (consistent over the past decade). This includes a high level of participation, 84% among non-Christians. Most Americans feel positive toward Christmas. 50% say it is a great time, including 15% who say it is the best time of the year. An additional 35% say it is a good time. 8% say it is neither good nor bad, and 3% say it is a bad time. Younger adults are more likely than older adults to describe it in positive terms. 61% of 18-29-year-olds say it‘s the best time of year or a great time. Among those 30-49 it’s 54%, with the 50-64 set it’s 45% and just 38% for those 65 and older. (Gallup Alert 12/22/05)