A little boy call 911 shouting, "Come and save my best friend who is drowning in our pool." When the emergency medical team arrived they could not see any body in the pool, only a pet iguana lizard. The little boy shouted, "He is the only friend I have in the whole world, please save him." When Traci Adams of Tuscon Arizona retrieved the lizard it had stopped breathing. The little boy said, "Aren’t you going to revive him?" Traci then performed mouth to mouth rescucitation with the iguana and God performed a miracle bringing the little boy’s friend back to life. When asked why she did such a courageous act Traci said, "When I looked into the eyes of the little boy I had to do everything to keep his friend from dying." That is what we must do if we see people as God does. Let us do everything to keep them from dying and going to hell, even if they do not appear to be particularly attractive.