: In the first church I served, there was a man in the community named Lynn. I knew him only in passing. He showed up to church once in a while, but he obviously wasn’t all that interested in “religion” or church. I later found out that Lynn was not somebody you would want to make angry.

He had been in the CIA. During the Viet Nam war he was part of a secret ops group that required him to slip quietly in behind enemy lines and assassinate enemy leaders.

And when he came back from the war, he apparently still dealt with the violent side of life. He had business dealings with men who you and I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.

In short… if you were smart, you didn’t mess with Lynn.

But then the day came when we held a Revival at Church. George Faull preached and Lynn came to visit. Sometime during that Revival Lynn came down front and repented of his past and rededicated himself to Christ

He was never the same man ever again.

God changed him inside and out.

To this day, Lynn is not only faithful in church… he goes out and helps build them.

And wherever I preach, Lynn sends a contribution for the ministry.

He went from being a man who lived only for himself to being a man who lived for others and for God.