I was a preacher in Apache, Oklahoma –about 2500 people in this small Southwestern Oklahoma town. Once a year, around this time of the year, the whole town would shut down for a weekend and have a Rattlesnake Festival. The main elder in our church – Ronnie, was PRESIDENT of this Rattlesnake Association, in fact he keeps the world’s largest western diamond back rattlesnake in his basement – he’s hardcore. We’d been there about 3 months and Ronnie suggested that we go snake hunting. I’ll try anything once, so we went to this Boy Scout camp to hunt Rattlesnakes. We get off the 4 wheeler and Ronnie looks at me and says – Jay, we haven’t prayed – I’m like ok, we’re going to ask the God of the universe to help us find an animal with big fangs and deadly venom – that’ll be productive. I looked at him and said – Ronnie, you are going to have to pray – cause I don’t know what to pray for. I know Romans 8:26 – if you don’t know what to pray for the spirit intercedes – I got that, but I was certain that if I died because I got bit by a snake, God was pretty much going to meet me at the gates and slap me, for being so stupid.