Justin Armour

The September/October 1996 Issue of Campus Life ran a story about Justin Armour, wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills. Before he played his first pro game, Justin joined some teammates for a night on the town. They ended up by the docs, where one by one his teammates started disappearing on boats with these beautiful women. And he says he’s pretty sure they weren’t going fishing.

He reacted the only way he knew how: “I got out of there as fast as I could,” he said. He wasn’t about to find out if his faith could stand against the temptation if he stayed.

Justin says, “the biggest blessing of choosing abstinence is this: You fall in love and get married for all the right reasons. You fall in love with someone because of how they motivate you, how they encourage you in the Lord, how they hold up your life… This isn’t blind faith. This is practical faith,” he says, “It’s God’s formula for having a relationship that’s real and sustaining and fulfilling – for both people.”

6) Mark Moring, “Willing to Wait,” Campus Life, September/October 1996, http://www.christianitytoday.com/cl/6c2/6c2026.html (accessed 3-6-07) - Justin Armour story