Learn from the past and live your future differently

I was reading the other day. Once, two men went moose hunting in Canada for a week. A bush pilot dropped them off at their camp and arranged to pick them up in one week. They both shot a moose. When the pilot returned he looked at their two moose hanging there, and said, I can’t take them back. It’s too much weight for the plane. We’ll never get off the ground. The two hunters looked at each, and then one of them said, “We really want to bring these moose home. It will be all right. Last year we came up here and shot two moose the same size as these. The pilot who picked us up had a plane just like yours, and he got off the ground.” The pilot said, “Well, if you did it last year, we will try it again.” So they loaded up the two moose and headed down the runway. The plane barely made it off the runway, clipped some trees, and crashed. About fifteen minutes later the hunters regained consciousness. One of them said to the other, “Where are we?” He looked around and answered, “Oh, I think we made it about two hundred yards farther than we did last year.”