Pastor John Courson told of a time when he was a young kid that he was on a boat on the Colorado River right near the Hoover Dam, when the motor on their boat sputtered out They could not get it started, And they found themselves drifting closer and closer to the dam, passing the signs that say, Danger, Do not pass this point His brother yelled out, throw in the anchor, and his sister picked it up and threw it in and as it went down into the water they realized the other end of the rope was not attached to the boat so down the anchor went until it disappeared, now they were drifting closer and closer to the dam and to danger

It’s important to have an anchor in order to keep from Drifting Have you ever heard of the Wellington River It’s the River that feeds into the Niagra Falls There is a sign posted where the Wellington River empties into the Niagra River…that says Do you have an anchor? Do you know how to use it? Because if you don’t, you are heading for serious Danger Listen, you would not want to be on that river without an anchor, you might not want to be on that river at all I’ve seen it

Well listen, This drifting does not just happen physically…The Bible warns It can also happen spiritually Just like there is a Current in the ocean, there is also a Rip Tide or current in our lives spiritually, as Christians, of the world, the flesh, temptation, and it’s continually and constantly pulling at us, attempting to draw us away from God, away from church Away from other believers It can be business or busyness, or even bitterness It can be idleness or indifference