I was reading the other day. ‘Soviet President Khrushchev used to tell a story of a time when a wave of thefts in the Soviet Union forced he authorities put guards at all their factories. One Friday evening in Leningrad, out comes Peter Petrovich pushing a wheelbarrow. And on top of the wheelbarrow there is a bulky sack. "All right, Petrovich," said the guard, "what have you got there"? "Oh, just sawdust," Petrovich replied. They throw it out at the end of the week and I take it home for my rabbit cage. "Come on," the guard said, "I wasn’t born yesterday. Dump it out." Peter does so, and sure enough, its sawdust. So he was allowed to take it home. The same thing happened every Friday night for years. Years later when they were both retired, one day the guard asked Peter, "Petrovich, We’re friends now. Tell me what were you smuggling out of there?” "Wheelbarrows” He replied. Satan tries to get our eyes on the sawdust so we miss what’s underneath.’