He did so with Desmond Tutu in South Africa. Jim Wallis tells the story of a visit he made during the days of apartheid.

i. I see it happening all over the country and I’ve learned a lot about hope from the streets and I’ve learned a lot about hope in other places. I saw hope happening in South Africa in ways I had never seen it before, and I learned about hope through the churches in South Africa. I remember the difficult times when Nelson Mandela was still in prison and the only voices left standing were the church leaders. And I remember when they issued a call for help and I went over there. I was snuck into the country to support church leaders like Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I’ll never forget my first day at St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, South Africa. A political rally had been called and canceled by the government, so Archbishop Tutu said, "Okay, we’re just going to have church then." And church he had. They gathered together in that Cathedral and the police were massing by the hundreds on the outside and they were there to intimidate, to threaten, to try and frighten all the worshipers. I will testify, being on the inside, that I was scared. You could feel the tension in that place. The police were so bold and arrogant they even came into that Cathedral and stood along the walls. They were writing down and tape recording every thing that Archbishop Tutu said. But he stood there to preach. And he stood up, a little man with long, flowing robes, and he said, "This system of apartheid cannot endure because it is evil." That’s a wonderful thing to say, but very few people on the planet believed that statement at that point in time. But I could tell that


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