You Can’t Get There From Here

A young man, new in town, was looking to take his car in for some bodywork. He didn’t know the exact location of the body shop, but set out to find it on his own.

After an hour or so of searching to no avail, he decided to stop in at a gas station and ask for directions.

“Can you tell me how to get to Fred’s Body Shop?” he asked the attendant.

“Sure,” the man replied. “Just head north down this road…; no that won’t work.”

“Here’s what you need to do. Head south and then turn left at the first…; no, that won’t work either.”

“I know,” he said. “Go straight across the street and then…; well, as a matter of fact, that won’t work either.”

After a long pause he replied, “Buddy, you’ve got a problem. You can’t get there from here.”