There is a lady named Doti Logan who atended a church in Des Moines, Iowa. She is an older lady. She’ll turn 70 this year. She has lived a very full life. She married, had 3 children, and even lived in Hawaii for a while. Her husband has been gone for several years. She has an adult daughter that is mentally challenged and lives in a home, but she visited her often, and she would go to church with Doti on occasion. One day in the summer of 2001 a missionary came to our church and was talking about the orphanage that he and his wife run in China. Almost jokingly, he told the congregation, “Why don’t you come and join us.” At that instant, the Lord spoke to this lady’s heart and said, “Yes, why don’t YOU go and join them.” She struggled with her call. She was in her golden years, with all of the belongings and relationships that went with that. But she decided to sacrifice it all for the call. She is now in mainland China working at that orphanage. She plans to live there until she dies.