Everyone is a unique creation of an almighty God.

Everyone: the church is for everyone.

Believer and unbeliever

Rich and poor

Red, yellow, black and white

Old and young

Extroverted and introverted

Unique: We are all different.

Different personalities

Different Strengths

Different experiences

Different burdens

Different blessings

Creation: Everyone has the fingerprint of God on their souls.

God has created each person, knows

them inside out.

God has created each person and has

plans and dreams for them.

God has created each person and so

they have incredible value.

When we realize this, it changes how we see and treat each other.

Accept one another. See them for who God has made them to be.

There is a place for everyone in our church. God does not turn anyone away. He accepts all who come to him. How can we ever turn anyone away?