China has too many men. Today, roughly 120 boys are born in China for every 100 girls, perhaps the worst gender imbalance in modern human history. Within 15 years, the country may have 30 million men who cannot find wives. Households have preferred male children because men are viewed as better able to support rural families, and boys inherit the land. Infanticide has often resulted. China's one-child policy motivates couples to abort until they have a boy. This will turn China, by 2030, into a grayer society than the U.S. Single young men are far more likely to commit violence than their married peers. Even young criminals often give up crime when they marry and settle down. Today China is experiencing rising crime waves. Cities with the most unbalanced sex ratios have some of the highest crime rates. China's State Population and Family Commission admits "the increasing difficulties men face in finding wives may lead to social instability." (LA Times 10/21/07)