The Pew Internet & American Life Project finds 93% of teens use the Internet, and more of them than ever are treating it as a place where they can share creations, tell stories, and interact with others. 64% of online teens 12-17 have participated in 1 or more internet content-creating activities, up from 57% in ’04. Girls dominate: 35% of all teen girls blog, vs. 20% of online boys. 54% of wired girls post photos vs. 40% of boys. 19% of online boys post video content vs. 10% of girls. 28% of the entire teen population are super-communicators (teens who have a host of technology options for dealing with family and friends, including traditional landline phones, cell phones, texting, social network sites, instant messaging, and email), and they are more likely to be older girls. (Pew Research 1/12/08)