More than half of U.S. couples who married in the late '70s never saw their 25th anniversary, say the Census Bureau. It's the first time since World War II that married people had a less than even chance of still being married 25 years later, claims The New York Times. 70% of men who married between 1955 and 1959 remained married 25 years later, and 61% were still married by their 40th anniversary. 79% percent of first marriages for women in the late 1950s marked their 15th anniversary vs. only 57% who married for the first time from '85 to '89. While 74.4% of men who married since 1970 stayed married for 10 years, only 46.2% were still married after 30 years. Among women, 71.6% remained married after 10 years and only 42.1% were still together after 30 years.

SOURCE: Christian Post 9/21/07