Sometimes people think God does not know what they are thinking. But He knows that some people are just "using" God, but they really detest Him.

At a tea for officers and their wives, the commanding general of a base delivered a seemingly endless oration. A young lieutenant grumbled to the woman sitting beside him, "What a pompous and unbearable old windbag that slob is!" The woman turned to him, her face red with rage.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant. Do you have any idea who I am?"

"No, ma’am," the man fumbled.

"I am the wife of the man you just called an unbearable old windbag."

"Oh," said the lieutenant. "And do you have any idea who I am?"

"No," said the general’s wife.

"Thank the Lord," said the lieutenant, getting up from his seat and disappearing into the crowd.

The difference between this joke and the general is that "God Knows!"

Source: Adapted from Reader’s Digest