Through my travels, I have encountered numerous Christian people from various cultures and various languages. Many of them have spoken about having a feeling that they should do something. About 10 years ago, I had such an experience. My wife, Lina, and I had been trying to have a child for over 6 years. Along the way, we experienced the loss of 4 miscarriages and a still birth. Since the age of 13, God had placed on my heart that I should join the ministry. But, I always pushed that idea aside. However, this one evening, it appeared that Lina might be pregnant. With hope again raising its’ head, I prayed that if God showed me that she was pregnant within 48 hours that I would become a pastor. The news came faster than we expected and we had confirmation from a hospital in 12 hours. God grabs your attention like that sometimes. He reaches out to you when you least expect it and taps on your heart.