I want you to be challenged by this story about Jackie, a fairly new Christian who walked into a major discount store in Portland. In the prescription area she noticed a woman leaning on the counter obviously very sick. Jackie felt an impulse to pray with the woman but, as 90% of us would do, she decided the woman would think Jackie was nuts.

On her way out the woman was now seated in a chair, still obviously very ill, and Jackie again felt impressed to pray with her. She just couldn't go out the door, so she resigned herself to become the classic fool for Jesus. (We used to use a line that said, "I'm a fool for Jesus; whose fool are you?”

Jackie sat down, took the woman by the hand, and said, "I can see you're quite sick. I don't want you to think I'm imposing, but I'm a Christian. Would you mind if I prayed for you?”

The woman weeping said, “I've been sick for so long.” Jackie held her hand and with her eyes open said, "Lord, I know you love this lady and I know you don't want this lady to be sick. Just because you love her, heal her and show her how much you care."

That was it. They exchanged phone numbers and Jackie left. Next day she got a call asking her to come to the woman's house. The husband had stayed home from work to meet Jackie. The prescription was unopened on the kitchen table. The husband and wife were standing there weeping.

"When I came home, I went to bed and slept all night. I haven't done that for years." With her sickness she slept for only short periods and had to get up to take medicine. Her husband thought she had died. He woke her and asked her if she were okay. She replied that she felt great.

"Well, you haven't taken your medicine." "I know it, but I slept all night." She then told her husband about Jackie at the shopping center.


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