Every believer is impacting the spiritual vigor of those around him! Gordon McDonald gave the following list...

• Igniter- The Holy Spirit is the Creator of authentic spiritual energy! Do you provoke others? “I’ll paddle!”

• Sharer- “… that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”

(Rom 1:12)

Paul & Silas Priscilla & Aquilla “Let’s paddle together!”

• Catcher- They receive & store spiritual energy for future use. A Catcher is a contributor, even though he drains your spiritual energy. Like Esther when Mordecai told her, “Who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” “Let me paddle; I think I can do it!”

• Enjoyer- Nice people – “I like how you do it. I like being around spiritual people. You paddle so well; I could never do that!”

• Sapper- Would you hand me a Coke between strokes? “Please try not to splash me while you paddle.”

At the entrance of one of the great manufacturing plants in America is a sign that reads, “If you are like a wheelbarrow - going no farther than you are pushed - you need not apply for work here!” In spiritual endeavor, too, one must always manifest personal initiative and zeal and be willing to go the second mile.