"A Dream for God"

Many years ago a young man had a dream of telling the story of Jesus everywhere in the world. When he suggested taking that good news to people, an older man said, "Sit down, young man. If God wants to save the heathen, he will do it without your help or mine."

This young man, William Carey, was a cobbler. As he worked day after day making shoes, he thought about this exciting dream of his. He preached a sermon, "Attempt Great Things for God; Expect Great Things from God."

Because he believed this with all his heart, he left his own country, England, and went to India. There he spent the rest of his life teaching and preaching about Jesus who said, "Go into all the world and tell the good news."

It was several yeas before even one person accepted this message. But one, then another, and then many believed the good news of Jesus, until thousands upon thousands came to know Jesus because a young man with a dream opened a door.

--The Ministers Manual 1986