Marilyn Anderes tells the story of a devoted Christian named Cheryl Stephens. Cheryl was a young mother who struggled with cancer, but was determined to keep ministering to others. She went home to Jesus on Nov. 19, 2003 at age 44. Cheryl’s friends say she lived out Phil 1:21 where Paul said, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

Listen to a poem Cheryl wrote in 1984, long before she began her bout with cancer:

Remember me not for who I was

But for who Jesus was in me.

Remember me not for the things I’ve done

But for the things Jesus did through me.

Remember me not as one who loved

Without remembering that "He first loved me."

Remember me not as one who gave

But one to whom much was given.

Remember me not as one who spoke of God

But as one who knew God through His Son, Jesus.

Remember me not as one who prayed

But remember the One to whom I prayed.

Remember me not as one who was strong

But as one who cried out to God to be my strength.

Remember me not as one who died

But as one who lives forever because I have believed.

Remember not my life and death

For they will profit you nothing.

But please . . . remember the life and death of Jesus.

For He gave His life that we might live.

He died that we might never have to and He rose again

That we might have eternal life.

Remember not me, but do remember Jesus.

(Source: "If Only For This Life" by Marilyn Anderes, Good News, March/April 2004, p. 44. Found in sermon “A Gratitude Adjustment” by Billy Strayhorn Luke 17:11-19 - Oct 10, 2004)