The Goal and Person Of Change

Many find themselves overcome by sins that have brought heartache, turmoil and even isolation. These sinful bondages are playing havoc across all social and economic layers of our nation’s families. Therapists, physicians, scientists and sadly, even some Christian counselors, are scrambling to find some medical or genetic cause to explain these sinful bondages.

However, when a correct Biblical diagnosis is made, the real solution can then be applied. Jesus teaches that sin is first found in the heart of a man long before that sin makes its outward manifestation. (Mark 7: 21 - 23) The gospel - the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ - is God’s provision to help people make lasting Biblical change. The only goal that counts for eternity and that is capable of overcoming debilitating sin is sanctification. This application of God’s great Salvation is available to all who will accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord.

Sanctification is your goal; it is the process that a repentant sinner, now saved, undergoes in becoming more like Christ. Your greatest goal in life should be to have a heart that hungers for the righteousness of Christ. (Matthew 5: 6)

Jesus Christ exemplified the characteristics of a man fully controlled by the Holy Spirit and in perfect fellowship with the Father. He points all to the Person of Change. Our Lord said for those who love Him and obey His commands, He will ask the Father to give another Counselor (the Holy Spirit) to be with them. Jesus clearly teaches that those in the world will not accept the Spirit of truth, because they neither see Him nor know Him. However, born-again believers in Christ will know Him and He will be in them. (John 14: 15 - 17)

The Holy Spirit is the Agent to help any willing person to make Biblical change. He first shows people their need for Christ. (John 16: 8) He then imparts Christ’s life into repentant sinners at the minute of salvation. From there He begins the sanctification process through illumination of the Scriptures and He empowers them for service to Christ.

Achieving sanctification is not a do-it-yourself project. You can no more make Biblical change on your own than a farmer can hook himself to a large farm implement and pull it around the field. The farmer must first hook the implement to a tractor (his source of power) before he can do field work. You must first have Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and be surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s leading as He quickens God’s Word within your heart. Jesus is faithful; He will complete His good work in you (Philippians 1: 6).

Paul taught that the Holy Spirit’s leading in a person’s life is one of the evidences of a person’s salvation. He wrote, “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Rom. 8: 14) Paul also warns “…And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.” (Romans 8: 9)

Only through the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit, can a person make Biblical change, which leads to the abundant life found in Christ alone. Achieve God’s goal set for you, invite Christ into you heart today! Then allow His Holy Spirit to fully sanctify your heart and life to the Lord.